Ведущий интегратор 3D-решений в России и СНГ: от подбора оборудования до оказания услуг, включая сервис, печать, консалтинг, инжиниринг

#SIU_in_details 22.11.2021

Ultra-fast and low-cost 3D printer for jewelry.


The Figure 4 Jewelry model is capable of creating templates that are ready to be molded or molded in a matter of hours, enabling jewelry manufacturers to speed time to market.

The digital workflow is responsive to any design change, be it minor or radical, so new projects can be implemented in a very short time frame.


Advantages of Printing Figure 4 Jewelry:

  • Printing algorithms designed specifically for jewelry manufacturing workflows allow Figure 4 Jewelry to print models at 15 mm / hr at 30 microns.
  • Create superior jewelry templates with best-in-class surface finishes. The non-contact membrane technology in Figure 4, combined with MicroPoint's exclusive support structures, minimizes the interaction between parts and supports.
  • Patented print build styles designed specifically for jewelry, for both thin, unique geometries and thicker ones, optimize jewelry printing with gem-setting spots, sharp prongs, fine mesh and more.
  • The small footprint of the MicroPoint supports allows easy removal and a smoother surface, thereby reducing subsequent machining costs and manufacturing time by minimizing polishing of the support points.


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